The Eye of the Survivor Storytelling Retreat: Your Hero’s Journey About Surviving Suicide – How to Tell Your Story Safely and Effectively

A full-day training on Monday, 2/24 from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (CST). The ticket includes all training materials.

At the heart of any community and culture change effort are the stories. We lack stories that stir fire in the belly and fuel our actions to make changes.

The basic narrative of a transformational story is this: “This is me. This is how my life and others like me have been systematically destroyed. This is how I see change is possible.”

Yes, the story needs to take us into the crisis. We need to understand the depths of pain in despair and the challenges experienced, but the majority of the story is about the overcoming of it. We are hardwired for storytelling - stories move our hearts and build community.

As part of a suicide prevention, addiction recovery, and mental health promotion strategy, stories let others know they are not alone and collectively, they can tell a powerful tale of hope, recovery, and change.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:

  1. To articulate why should we consider sharing personal stories in our community’s efforts in mental health promotion, addiction recovery, and suicide prevention. 

    - For storyteller
    - For listener
    - For society

  2. To reflect on whether storytellers are ready to share their stories

  3. To identify effective story structure and practices 

  4. To understand key aspects of safe and trauma-informed messaging

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